Wild Pots

Over the last few years, I have discovered a liking for working with 3 dimensional objects. The latest in this line, are these little nest-like pots. The surfaces are deeply textural, encrusted with distressed and manipulated fabrics, and embellished with stitch. I have experimented with various methods of construction, and now I’m satisfied with their size and form. My series is entitled ‘Elemental’, as to me, they represent the elements of my environment … sea, sky, bush and earth. Join me in this workshop and make your own version of the pot, using colour, texture and stitch to suit your personal sense of design. Check out images on Instagram, they give a better idea.

Requirement List

You will need all your usual ‘Tools of the Trade’, including scissors, pins, needles, threads, etc. Backing fabric to build the work on to. Calico or old cotton is what I use, plus a thin layer of batting of some sort. A bunch of different fabrics to use in your surface collage – look for contrast and variety in patterns, types of fabric, texture, in the colour ranges you choose. You only need small bits and pieces, the scraps and left overs. Be sure to include a variety of light weight synthetic stuff to distress for texture. Also the threads you like to use, and needles to suit your threads. I use mostly cotton perle no 8, plus finer threads for contrast, and for sewing on attachments. Maybe bring a few beads, that you might like to incorporate into your work. Firm paper to cut a pattern from, and your paper scissors. An empty jam jar is what I use to help to shape the pot. Mine curves towards the base which gives the shape I want.



Workshop Info

6 hours a day for 1 or 2 days

Skill Level » suitable for all levels